Kim Walker and Miranda Jones
Kim Walker is a leader who is laser-focused on serving youth. She founded and leads a non-profit with programs such as S.M.A.R.T. (Students Marking a Right Turn), which supports youth to succeed through leadership and goal-setting.
Miranda Jones works on behalf of Black people across Winston-Salem. She fights to dismantle systemic racism by centering black history and overhauling a prejudiced school system.

Kim Walker
portrait by Miranda Jones
Kim serves children in her afterschool program, as well as in her profession as an educator. She is passionate about her program S.M.A.R.T, Students Making A Right Turn. Kim is a leader who is intense and laser focused.

Miranda Jones
portrait by Kim Walker
Miranda is working on behalf of Black people in the community. She wants to see the innovations that are going on in the downtown area also in the East Winston section of the community. She works with Hate Out of Winston which helps with diversity and race issues and concerns.