The First Weekend of Citywide Community Portrait Workshops!
What an incredible two days of community connections we just had as we launched our first Winston-Salem Portrait Project Workshops!!
This past weekend, half of the selected participants from all around the city came together at UNCSA and learned more about each other’s lives and communities. They were given the opportunity to form deeper and more long-lasting relationships across city divides and through their storytelling, create meaningful portraits of each other.
We were blown away by the incredible bonds that were formed in a matter of hours by just challenging these wonderful Winston-Salem residents to think about how to capture their partner’s story within a single photographic portrait.
We set up four, professional portrait studios for each pair and then took portraits of the pair together after they had formed their new found friendships. All portraits will be exhibited with the unveiling of the permanent sculpture next year!
Looking forward to the third and fourth rounds of workshops this coming weekend and witnessing the blossoming of many more connections across the city!
Thank you to our photographer Christian Green & Studio assistant, Bryce Johnson for capturing the day for us!
Pamela Phillips and Charlie Watkins share their new found connections in the portrait studio. Photo: Christian Green Keyana Bennett in the studio being photographed by Harold Beaty. Photo: Christian Green Harold Beaty behind the camera in Studio A. Photo: Christian Green Rob Ulery directing Leah Crowley in studio. Photo: Christian Green Lead Artist, Kisha Bari getting to know Leah Crowley & Rob Ulery before taking their portrait. Photo: Christian Green Harold Beaty being photographed by Anthony Tang in the studio. Photo: Christian Green Lead Artist, Kisha Bari coaching Keyana Bennett as she captures Anthony Tang in the studio. Photo: Christian Green Keyana Bennett capturing Anthony Tang. Photo: Christian Green 91 year old Mattie Young getting her groove on in the portrait studio with Peggy O’Donnell. Photo: Christian Green Peggy O’Donnell behind the lens. Photo: Christian Green Lead Artist, Kisha Bari capturing two of our wonderful Host Committee members in the studio. Photo: Christian Green Lead Artist, Jasmin Chang leads an exercise with participant, Mattie Young. Photo: Bryce Johnson Susan Kelley Stevens high fives her new friend Shirley Spease in our workshop wrap up session. Photo: Bryce Johnson Lois Roewade poses for her new friend Amatullah Saleem in the studio. Photo: Christian Green Lois Roewade behind the lens directing Amatullah Saleem. Photo: Christian Green LaShun Huntley directing behind the lens in the studio. Photo: Christian Green Susan Kelley Stevens and LaShun Huntley work on their looks in the studio. Photo: Christian Green Amatullah Saleem being directed by her new friend Lois Roewade. Photo: Christian Green Our studio assistant Bryce Johnson coaching Sharee Fowler with the camera. Photo: Christian Green Sharee Fowler & Shirley Spease forming a new freindship. Photo: Christian Green Anthony Tang hamming it up in the studio for Keyana Bennett. Photo: Christian Green Mike Campbell gets behind the lens. Photo: Christian Green Doug Lewis directing his partner Monica Brown in the studio. Photo: Christian Green Doug Lewis capturing Monica Brown’s magic. Photo: Christian Green 15 year old, Kiran Kapilshwari capturing 84 year young Clara Yountz in the studio. Photo: Christian Green Kiran Kapilshwari enjoying being directed by Clara Yountz behind the camera. Photo: Christian Green Clara Yountz having a great time capturing Kiran in the studio. Photo: Christian Green Our first group of participants on Saturday June 15 of the Winston-Salem Portrait Project. Photo: Christian Green Our second group of participants on Saturday June 15 of the Winston-Salem Portrait Project. Photo: Christian Green