Marviette Usher and Joe Watson

Marviette Usher founded Phenomenal Women to empower women, with a focus on the homeless and discouraged. She promotes healing through counseling and beauty experiences, culminating in a formal gala.

Joe Watson is much more than “The Peanut Man,” he is a people connector. He sees greatness in the people he meets and pushes them to start a business or pursue their dreams.

Marviette Usher
portrait by Joe Watson

Marviette is a leader and she wants to help others bring out their talents. She wants to travel the world to empower women. She wants women to know who they are, and what God says about them. She loves what she does and likes the opportunity to make change. 

Joe Watson
portrait by Marviette Usher

Mr. Joe is much more than “The Peanut Man.” He’d like to be known as the people connector. He is very resourceful and an empowering influencer. He sees greatness in people he meets and teaches that you can do whatever you believe you can do.

© Te’Drenna Coleman